December Newsletter: program updates, upcoming workshops, pop-ups, and more!

2023-12-19T18:29:03-05:00December 5th, 2023|Blog, Classes & Programs, Events, In the News, News, Top News|

December Newsletter

Greetings, all!

As we say farewell to 2023 and slide into the holiday season we are reflecting on where we’ve been and where we’re headed in the new year!

Please have a look at the “End of Year Update.” We are grateful to the many donors, foundations and organizations that have allowed us to introduce new and meaningful programming in 2023.

2024 will see the launch of new cohorts, more SOS classes and workshops, and stronger partnerships with Island high schools and regional colleges and universities. Read on for highlights below.

We look forward to supporting your educational and professional goals in 2024!

But first…


$20k goes a long way!

2023-11-09T17:52:15-05:00November 9th, 2023|Blog, Classes & Programs, In the News, News, Top News|

The Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation (MVCF) has awarded us with a $20,000 grant for Language Access programming! This will go toward creating medical and other interpreter training programs that will make services more accessible to the Island’s Brazilian community. Thank you, MVCF!

See the announcement at MVCF

See the article in the Vineyard Gazette
See the announcement on MV Times

November Newsletter: program updates, upcoming workshops, pop-ups, and more!

2023-11-03T17:13:55-04:00November 3rd, 2023|Blog, Classes & Programs, Events, In the News, News, Top News|

November Newsletter

Hi there!

Fall! Crisp mornings, changing leaves… it’s officially the off-season here on MV, and we couldn’t be more excited. At ACE MV, fall means welcoming students new and returning, helping folks to explore new pathways and projects, and a full roster of exciting courses, programs and opportunities for our Island community of learners and job-seekers.

Read on to learn more about upcoming events, programs and workshops. It’s an exciting time to be adulting on MV!


Health Professions Seminar Oct 19-Nov 16

2023-09-28T15:09:28-04:00September 28th, 2023|News|

Are you curious about a career in healthcare? Interested in becoming a CNA, nurse, medical assistant, pharmacist, doctor, dental hygienist? Drawn to the world of healthcare but not sure which health profession might be right for you?

Join this free ACE MV Allied Health Cohort for a 5-week exploratory experience!

This hybrid in-person/online course will combine community panels and Q&A sessions with Island healthcare employers with a virtual course taught by an experienced Cape Cod Community College instructor.

This course is FREE and includes a paid stipend for participants who attend all 5 sessions.

Dates: Thursdays, October 19th – November 16th
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Location: MV Hospital & Virtual

Offered in partnership with Island Health Care, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, and the Center for Corporate and Professional Education (CCAPE) at Cape Cod Community College.

Please note: This is STEP 1 of registration in this seminar. You will also be required to register with CCAPE. You will receive the CCAPE registration link via email after registering here.

Space is limited! Sign up today!

For more information, contact Courtney at